I think, there is someone for my entire life,
Who will care, support and love me .
Without any reason, she will love me;
wiping away my tears, standing by side.
That may be incredible for her,
For me it is an adorable moment.
Then she can know about me;
hearing my heartbeats with her ears.
Someone waiting, to understand my hidden feelings,
Having many sentiments and untold stories
If she is ashamed of, I will be present swiftly
As my heart is a philosopher to get her quietness.
There’s someone , holding the rope of my intimacy,
As her life will be with my emotions and affection.
There’s someone who can feel my eyes’ feelings;
And will tell me, “your eyes are charming”.
There’s someone, going crazy, staring at my smile
And will tell me, “magic in your smile”.
Seeing her entire life in my eyes and smile,
I’ll keep her embracing in my lap forever.

Links to purchase:
Amazon: India – https://www.amazon.in/dp/9354467911?ref
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Spain – https://www.amazon.es/dp/B0B5X3MD78
France – https://www.amazon.fr/dp/B0B5X3MD78
Evincepub: https://evincepub.com/product/rhythms-of-the-heart-the-two-rohingyas-in-blossom/
Bspkart: https://www.bspkart.com/product/rhythms-of-the-heart-the-two-rohingyas-in-blossom/
Flipkart: https://www.flipkart.com/rhythms-heart-two-rohingyas-blossom/p/itm76b9ebaf88578?
This is an incredibly engrossing and exhilarating book – ” RHYTHMS OF THE HEART”, each thirst-quenching word will captivate your heart with its amatory verses and make your soul sweat with its grievous verses. A compendium of LOVE & PAIN poems as these are the common occurrences that everyone undergoes unknowingly and unforeseenly encounters these in life. This intriguing florilegium, penned down by these two budding and eloquent bards through their mighty pen depending on the present realities and circumstances. “For those, who are heuristic, bookish and intently want to kill the quench of their thirst, it’s probably a must to read that will sweep away until the last page.” FOREWORD Defining love in words, the most impossible task. Love itself is multidimensional, with plenty of twists and turns. When the authors of this book approached me for a foreword, the first thought came into my mind was this could be another book which contains some poems on love. Eventually when I started reading, I must admit that some of the poems made me cry. Quill of a writer , if capable of invading the emotional ticker of your brain, then the book can be called as a successful one. Undoubtedly I can say that, there is something that pulls you to read the poems written by Mohammed Arshad Amin and Mohammad Hamim. When two equally talented poets create a symphony, then it is going to be the best gift to the readers. Strength of their poems is the ability to keep you rolling through different emotions without giving a chance to take your eyes away from the book. The wait is over and the book is going to be in your hands. Enjoy the reading experience while turning the pages of ” Rhythms of The Heart”. – Sreekala P. Vijayan ( Chief Administrator- Media Coordination, Motivational Strips )