Let’s Kiss the Stars by Priyanka Banerjee and Dustin Pickering

Let’s kiss the stars and spread light in the distant woods

of nostalgic forgetfulness.

Eternal Sunshine illuminates

The rocky path of the Wasted land,

Rotten corpse that once sung a song

of infinite romance.

Beauty oozes through my pores –

Midnight triumphs

Kindle up the forsaken shores

Of bleeding whores.

Tide is within tonight.

Tides can speak in favour of their rights !

The king of clandestine destiny flaunts his tutelage across religious texts— seeking to resign his energies to designate description. Yet nothing is submerged in wounds like your eyes of love. I will encompass lands of forgetting. The midnight devils shirk their working ears to silence. Nothingness enlarges the negation of time, the stolen vanity of your womb now mine, o Prince of Thirst.

Intense power of lapses unfold the lack –

Stormy nights pierce through bodies that woo.

Black alphabets are like floating planets,

Rushing like Satan’s angels!

 I can write upon the earth names of the raped damsels.

All the curious minds will starve them of simple yearnings. The Nothingness of charted waters drifts in the bleak memory we hold of one another. There are no rises and regulations in the sheep’s bleating—for whatever we knew, we still wish we knew.

One thought on “Let’s Kiss the Stars by Priyanka Banerjee and Dustin Pickering”

  1. 1.405 / 5.000
    Risultati della traduzione
    The young author uses poetry as a whip against a humanity very distracted by banality. Above her, Love with a capital A seems to prevail even in the midst of the aberrations of these cruel times and without a true identity. But the fideistic hope always supports the path of the traveler in search of himself.

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