Young Indian poet Diya Sinha writes a poem of deep loss and grief.
Tag: indie lit

Conclusion by Naheed AktharConclusion by Naheed Akthar
Naheed Akthar writes a poem on her birthday. Stunning!

The Most Evil Thing in the World by Amrita ValanThe Most Evil Thing in the World by Amrita Valan
Amrita Valan writes an inquisitive poem on the nature of time

Sympathy by Amrita BhattacharyyaSympathy by Amrita Bhattacharyya
Amrita Bhattacharyya writes about women writing during night hours

There is Dignity in Labor by Ngozi Olivia OsuohaThere is Dignity in Labor by Ngozi Olivia Osuoha
Ngozi Olivia Osuoha writes a poem on the difficulty and nobility of labor.

attack of the doll-hearted sorrow by Dustin Pickeringattack of the doll-hearted sorrow by Dustin Pickering
for Peanut Love is the fiercest of doll-hearted sorrows– it comes clad in armor, completely on the defensive. Brandishing shield, swinging sword heavy with langour, love is a shirk for

Questioning by Dessy TsvetkovaQuestioning by Dessy Tsvetkova
For a moment,a singlebut beautiful one,the one-day fly hopes.And the butterfly,magical in itself,she doesn’t even knowshe is creating a fullbutterfly effect.The yellow-sun bee,she has been buildingall her lifeand barefoot treads

How We Leapt Beyond the Stars! by Hirak DasguptaHow We Leapt Beyond the Stars! by Hirak Dasgupta
Hirak Dasgupta writes a poem on challenging fate

Writer’s Paradise by Priyanka BanerjeeWriter’s Paradise by Priyanka Banerjee
Priyanka Banerjee writes of the paradise through the "sinless hearts" of the writers

To Be Savored at a Later Date by Duane VorheesTo Be Savored at a Later Date by Duane Vorhees
Duane Vorhees writes ironically about life and death