Postmodern poems by Dr. Jernail S. Anand

We murder to dissect, said Wordsworth.
A poem was a whole 
And trying to understand it
Which he calls dissection, 
We murder it.
Is criticism a postmortem? 
It was dissection in the past,
Now the critic performs 
The duty of 
Putting the parts together 
And trying to give a shape 
And a habitation to an airy nothing.
Now there is murder already
The Apoet commits it
Dissection is done by the reader 
And postmortem by the critical squad
Who puts it into an organic  shape
And consigns  it to a mortuary (anthology)
The age of murder and dissection
Which accused critics is over 
The role has inched towards 
The Poet now.
He does all the rites of slaughter 
And it is then handed over to the Reader.
It is the Reader who knows 
(Not the poet)  who has died 
Whether it did any good job of itself 
Or it was a sheer waste of words 
Assisted by the head priest 
Who comes with his critical incantations.
The poem is then wheeled
Into the mortuary (Anthology) 
Where it is remembered for some time
Lectures on it delivered  by scholars 
And then  consigned 
To the Swarg Dham (cremation ground) (Library)
Where some tantriks come
And take the ashes 
And reconstruct the poem
And the dead poet 
And before they take up a project
For further dissection,
They make sure 
The poet is well known and dead now
Lest he should get up in delirium
And say .
No no..
I did not mean it so.
(Excuse me dear Poem)
It was easy now.
The reader was the writer of the text
And each poem had as many texts 
As its readers 
How kind of the man 
Was it Ambercrombie?
Who gave a new lease of life 
To the Poem 
How obsessed I am  with myself 
My broken self 
My loves and my hatreds
That poor readers had to have a tough time
Even now, I am full of my I
See how I write
I feel, I say, I said 
I will never leave me till I am dead
My problem when I write a poem is
I don't know what to say 
How to say 
And for whom to say 
So, I pick up a stone
And throw it into a lake 
The waves of water which 
Scrample around my poetic take.
Scribble a few words 
Which shirk making any sense
Awsome, great poetry,
Great ink is at work 
The examiner's craze 
'The poet says'
Has undergone a transformation
And no longer exists as a coveted phrase 
Poets used to be prophets 
Now it is a heretical construct 
If the poets says anything
Or tries to instruct.
Poetry is an aesthetic experience 
A zig saw puzzle 
You enjoy giving it ears
And providing it a muzzle 
The poet only puts forward  
Disjointed images 
And some broken words
Those who die before their deaths are cowards.
Dr Jernail Singh Anand is an Indian poet and philosopher  credited with 175 plus books of English literature, philosophy and spirituality. He was recently honoured with  Seneca Award 'Laudis Charta' by Academy of Philosophical Arts and Sciences, Bari, Italy and Giants of Global Culture at Pontifical Univ Rome by Federation Global along with Doctor's Degree Honoris Causa.He won great Serbian Award  Charter of Morava and his name adorns the Poets' Rock in Serbia.  He is Founder President of the International Academy of Ethics and conferred Doctor of Philosophy (Honoris Causa) by Univ of Engg & Mgt, (UEM), Jaipur.  His most phenomenal books are Lustus:The Prince of Darkness (an epic)  and Philosophia de Anand, a work of philosophy comprising ten of his books under one roof.

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