Homing by Hein Min Tun

To my adoptive Papa---
How dare you say
'I am your father.'
If only you knew the hell in your eyes
and your face possessed by Satan.
How your tongue stabbed me in the back.
I've never been scared by anything
worse than the much later manifestation
of your true colour towards me.
Your face a thundery sky
always smothering me in gloom
after you found out
what I am.
I am just gay. I have done nothing
wrong in human sense.
That gay I am who brought
a photo of graduation to your guest parlour,
when both of your sons didn't care to.
Wasn't he the gay who lived up to your expectations?
I gave you feelings of immense joy and pride
that you'd never experienced before.
But do you know
how I proudly say to people
its my father after all who has brought me this far?
I passed your tests,
and earned a rare honour for you.
But it hurts me at the core to hear
that I have reduced your honour to the dust
by being gay freely.
I have done everything
you wanted me to.
Just let me do one thing
out of my heart
in this fragile life.