Poem for Lord Krishna by Manisha Manhas

It is the first real day of spring

As the petals of my eyes have

Removed themselves from the pillow 

To witness outside the window

The laughter of oleander bushes,

creating a  riot in air

Just as Your mischievous smile 

 riots inside me

Crashing into my heart’s screen to 

Obliterate all that has been

To ‘unwatch’ all that is unreal and

To watch for all that is real and deep blue

 For all that is so true

 For all that is just You.

Manisha Manhas is a Poet who hails from a village named Mamoon which is  in the district Pathankot of Punjab, a state in the north west of India. When she is not busy teaching,  she is collecting memories. She loves to travel and feel the heartbeat of nature. Gazing at a flower or looking at the night sky or peacefully staring at the mountains fills her heart with love and beauty. She dwells in her own space where imagination and fancy are her two best friends, the friends which help her in coping up with the brutal side of the world. She also believes in writing her heart out and flowing with the current. She is a Teacher by profession who has been previously published in a few national and international journals and e zines. She has an M. Phil in English from Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar. She has attended a few poetry festivals in the past and considers herself quite fortunate to have been awarded at a few literary events and festivals. 

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