fire and brimstone...
Tag: Melissa Chappell

All that Remains by Melissa ChappellAll that Remains by Melissa Chappell
Melissa Chappell writes a powerful and emotive piece about injustice

Yesterday’s Cowboy by Melissa ChappellYesterday’s Cowboy by Melissa Chappell
Rev. Melissa Chappell offers a final word following a break-up.

Forbidden by Melissa ChappellForbidden by Melissa Chappell
Melissa Chappell writes a poem on the complexities of race

In Places Hard to Find by Melissa ChappellIn Places Hard to Find by Melissa Chappell
Melissa Chappell of the United States shares a poem

Red by Melissa ChappellRed by Melissa Chappell
Rev. Melissa Chappell writes a nostalgic poem on how color interacts with memory

As We Are by Melissa ChappellAs We Are by Melissa Chappell
In your silent texts your graveled voice causes me to slip, skinning my words, now stinging, bloodied, quiet, and remembering when there were no words. Just us, in our underworld

Desiderate by Melissa ChappellDesiderate by Melissa Chappell
Melissa Chappell writes a haunting poem reminiscent of T. S. Eliot