In your silent texts
your graveled voice
causes me to slip,
skinning my words,
now stinging,
bloodied, quiet,
and remembering
when there were
no words.
Just us, in our
underworld of
sleep, each having
forgotten the other’s
presence, having settled
beneath the dust of
Eden’s bowers,
quiet, as before our beginning,
yet still, as after our end.
there is some stirring,
a light, sage as
a point of brilliance
at creation.
The waking is slow.
Is it some dream that
your still slumbering
frame is here? Adam,
asleep in the dust,
the sharp contours
of your body dispelling
the illusion of a dream.
I am waking, slow.
The sage light pulls me,
rising, a stirring
marigold, an orchid,
tender, every sense awake.
It is Spring in
Winter, and you are
restless in rising,
but your fingers
find the butterfly,
and the fluttering air
not lay quiet.
The tenebrous
did not bind us.
Only grasp the light,
as we wake,
as we are.
This is simply beautiful Melissa – a gorgeous write!