Tell me

my sorrow,

How to rest

of life,


like a jewel thief

in a dead end.

How to give

such a poor guy

broken hopes

full of regrets

To make him happy.

Like in a cloud

full of rainy sorrows

I'm painting a rainbow

full of life's joys.

Tell me

my sorrow.


Jasna has published three collections of poems. The first two collections are bilingual: one is Croatian-English and the other is Croatian-Polish. The third collection consists of a single poem translated into sixty languages of the world. Jasna Gugić is one of the winners of the World Award for Cultural Excellence "César Vallejo" for the year 2020. in the category of culture, awarded by Union Hispanomundial de Escritores (UHE). She is one of the winners of the World Award for Excellence "Golden Eagle"; for the year 2023. in the category of literature, awarded by Union Hispanomundial de Escritores (UHE), in a global alliance with Mil Mentes por Mexico International (MMPMI) and Academia Mundial de Literatura, Historia, Arte y Cultura (AMLHAC) and Global Peace Alliance Award 2023. awarded by Union Hispanomundial de Escritores (UHE), MIL MENTES por Mexico Internacional, and Academia Mundial de Literatura, Historia, Arte y Cultura (AMLHAC).

One thought on “SADNESS by JASNA GUGIĆ”

  1. Greetings to the great Poetess from Croatia
    , honourable Jasna Gugić, it is a pleasure to read quality poetry

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