Two poems by Ranjit Sahu


Scary hours slither into a  silence

Letting loose a lonely somnambulist 

Each whim turning solid in its presence

Etches dreams in the eyes of a realist

Pretenses of overlooking  love fail

Lurking memories raise rabbles of pain

Each moment stings the heart broken and frail

Stirring waves of self hatred and disdain

Slipping softly through  the open window

Night’s cool air the vacancy in  room fills

In the twinkles of lost stars in shadows

Glory of bygone days light up and kill

Heart sometimes waits trusting  a false promise 

Till night vanishes into dawn’s premise


Turning the fate of flamboyant fall forests

Hurriedly the winds pass by  plucking leaves

Earthy rhythms that the canopies detest

Arrive with dry grain stalks  stored in sheaves

Under the sky golden aspens tremble

The maples shiver in scarlet showers

Undoing efforts that summers assemble

Moody gusts mock the oaks standing powers

Nothingness creeps into colored fortunes

Who shall see and who shall seek solitude

In the whispering winds, rustling tunes,

Nest in the woods denuding habitude

Death makes melodies that he mildly croons

Sloughing of life from the trees’ multitude

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