The No Tell Hotel by PoetKen Jones

 Has six floors, a broken neon tube sign
  hanging down like a shattered soft on.
   It used to read “A Place for Winners”
     But from Room 666, I see the real sinners
        Praying in midnight assignations 
          For booze, drugs, sex, 
            self flagellating wrecks
            Temporary desperate respite
               from our lying dying nation. 
                 Like all decaying empires, 
                   no one gives a damn.
I leave my new girlfriend - my cum stained dirty sock-
On the double bed I slept single in last night
But the elevator doesn’t work 
so I drift my debauchery crippled body
Down six flights of rickety stairs
Hope for heaven in a dive bar
But see only another urban hell.
When I walk down the street 
People stop and stare
You think I might be thrilled
But I don’t care.
I need my morning medicine
Paper and a plastic hotel pen
To jot the works and days of my hands
That so few see or understand 
My millionth urbane commentary
On our shitty unfair society
In the form of unread poetry 
Purging these constant ranting thoughts
Like slack drawled drool from my mind
To something tangible and real. 
How gossamer the paper.
How steady the clarity of my thoughts.
How predicable my instability.
I curve my face towards the pint glass
Swallow more healing relief
Slam some 101 proof Schnapps
It’s time for my afternoon Grandpa nap.
On my stumble back to my room
A feather suddenly appears in my path.
I reach down to pick it up as I often do
When a bypasser in a fancy silk business suit butts in:
“Don’t do that!  It’s dirty”
“You’re dirty!” I scream back.
“You don’t even listen to the birds anymore!
They have messages but you’re deaf!”
“You’re crazy you bum”, 
He spits in my face with undisguised disdain
Back in Room 666, my garment lover
Lies beneath an IPad looping porn.
I wish I’d never been born.
Then think of this life I would have lost,
How lasting memories cost.
Most may say I unforgivably wasted
Every precious moment I tasted,
All my talents and every value I’ve lost
Tossed into a stinking flea bag hotel room.
But to all judgmental hypocrites 
We’re all full of shit
And when you reach the end
You’ll also end up in a tomb.
See more PoetKen Jones:

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