PoetKen Jones and Dustin Pickering perform at People's Literary Festival in Corpus Christi, Texas. Fascinating photos!

Five poems by Timothee of FranceFive poems by Timothee of France
Timothee of France offers five poems for World Inkers

Rain. by Sayani MukherjeeRain. by Sayani Mukherjee
seasonal poem from Sayani Mukherjee

Interview with Koos VerkaikInterview with Koos Verkaik
interview with Netherlands' Stephen King, Koos Verkaik

A voice brings joy to my heart by Armenida QyqjaA voice brings joy to my heart by Armenida Qyqja
poem by Albanian-Canadian poet Armenida Qyqja

Two poems by Abeera MirzaTwo poems by Abeera Mirza
two poems by Pakistani poet Abeera Mirza

Two poems by Tajalla QureshiTwo poems by Tajalla Qureshi
Pakistani poet writes two beautiful poems

Reason for the Rain by Maja Herman SekulicReason for the Rain by Maja Herman Sekulic
rain poem by Maja Herman Sekulic