Book Cover: The Literary Parrot -- Series 3
Part of the Series 3 series:
  • The Literary Parrot -- Series 3
Editions:Paperback - The Literary Parrot -- Series 3: $ 18.00
ISBN: 979-8841289586
Size: 6.00 x 9.00 in
Pages: 185

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The Literary Parrot -- Series 3 is a collection of works of poets, novelists, visual artists, photographers and dramatists/script writers published by World Inkers Printing and Publishing company (

The book is scheduled to be officially released on August 1st, 2022.

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The Arabic Teacher (Giorgi Lobzhanidze)
Analysis by Inga Zhghenti

The poem “The Arabic Teacher” is written by a contemporary prolific Georgian poet, translator and orientalist Giorgi Lobzhanidze, born on February 20, 1974, in Khashuri, Georgia. The poem was first published in a collection of poems under the same title in 2013. The poem perceives a human as a supreme part of this infinite universe, thus offering a romantically formulated solution to discern erotic love, passion and urges not as sins and physical temptations – but as a genuinely human condition interwoven with the wholeness and beauty of the universe. This very interrelation of erotic love and the universe eternalizes human feelings, sometimes momentary and doomed to fade over time.

Reviews:Akeem Alao Babatunde on wrote:

The Literary Parrot Series 3 is one of the best collection of works of creative writers on earth.

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