Childhood was like Gardening by Sushant Thapa

Childhood was like gardening.

Every hard rain

Was tough to last.

We were busy in the mornings

Learning alphabets.

In the lucky hour

Bedtime stories were told.

Our free sketches

Knew no rules.

The streets were our playgrounds.

We were by the glowing warmth

Of the winter care.

No company bored us

Through strictness.

We were like little purple and white flowers

Dotted over the blanket of ground.

We were watered with wisdom

By elders.

Any child can hold

An eternity of good character,

If allowed to bloom like the

Air kissing jasmine.

We still breathe

The childhood fragrance.


Bio: Sushant Thapa holds an M.A. in English from Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India. He has published five books of English poetry: The Poetic Burden and Other Poems, Abstraction and Other Poems, Minutes of Merit, Love’s Cradle and Spontaneity: A New Name of Rhyme. He lives and teaches in Biratnagar-13, Nepal.

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