Whispers of Lonely Nights by Sudipta Mishra

In your warm embrace,
Let me rest for a while
Waltzing spirits drive me insane
Cascading passion whispers to my heart
I trace your intoxicating breath 
In a surreal state, I feel murmurs of unknown voices 
They tempt me to escape from this dream
Silently we both step into an isle 
Let's move from this material realm 
 With the echoes of noises from nocturnal birds 
I consciously forget my ethereal presence
Caressing Moon beams follow us 
In the breast of the night, our footprints merge 
Flaring rays of the astral beings bathe in our emotions 
A new idea is born 
A light is reborn from the divine reunion!


Sudipta Mishra is a versatile artist known for her work as a poet, translator, reviewer and editor. She has authored many books including titles like "The Essence of Life" and "The Songs of My Heart". Her recent book, "Beyond the Pandemic", explores  the impact of covid 19. Mishra has received prestigious awards such as the  Rabindranath Tagore Memorial, Mahadevi Verma Sahitya Siromani Award . She advocates social justice in her writings and is pursuing a PhD degree in English.

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