Sudhakar Gaidhani to Release Second Epic Poem, a synopsis and a sample

Sudhakar Gaidhani 
 About the epic poem
Sudhakar Gaidhani captivated the attention of Marathi readers by this second modern epic,   and a symposium was held on it. Soviet Land Nehru Award winner critic Dr. V.S. Jog exhorted in the symposium that Gaidhani’s creativity has scaled new heights by his two epics and it is difficult to cross that area of achievement.
Yogininchya Swapna Sawlya is a splendid example of form and language.
Abhinav Gupta, theorist in Sanskrit literature was the advocator of Kaulmarg, in the end of tenth century in Kashmir. In that period, excessive importance was attributed to 64 yogini. In 'Yoginichya Swapna Sawlya', 16 spinsters from Khajuraho proceed to seek initiation near Bhedaghat to 64 yogini temple. But they can't fulfill their motto and they are dispersed and the culmination is tragic end. 
This modern epic embodies some specialties of traditional epics and the parameters of values in poetry i.e. canto, meter, anecdotes, sub-narratives, ‘four Purusharth' religion, money, sex, Moksha.
The female protagonist of this epic is uncommon, with creative energy and conscience. In this epic, the characters as sage, forest, sub-forest, beasts, naga sadhu, Bauddha monk, Nath companions, cow-herd, yogi, villain. The setting of the epic is on wide scale, inclusive of 8 cantos. Though this modem epic seems to be traditional but it crosses the contours of Sanskrit epics. It is a modem epic with identity and its protagonist is a female and not a male.
The narrative of this epic is imaginative with dynamicity. The epic challenges the belief that 'Moksha' is attainable through copulation or practices on corpses. The experiment, ‘Sambhogatun, Samadhikade’ (Trance state through sex) by Osho was unsuccessful. Basically heaven, Moksha are ideas, not actualities. This reflective stance is manifested in the epic on myriad levels. The epic is enriched with surprise, wonder, romance unattractiveness, anger, compassion, grandeur, sublimity, beauty, melody, classical quality, and fused with new images and symbols.
[Kaulmargi- Worshipper of shiva. Koul-cult accepts the importance of erotic drive in the attainment of Moksha.
(Source- Published literature of Sudhakar Gaidhani).
An excerpt from epic poem
(An excerpt from my 2nd epic poem
Marathi edition -"Yogininchya Swapna Sawlya", published in 2016)
Sudhakar Gaidhani
Translated from original Marathi by internationally published  poetess BHARATI BIRJE- DIGGIKAR (India)
Shunning sixteen pleasures, 
juicy like dates,
Depicted in Khajuraho sculptures, 
They were bathing in a sacred pool 
Wearing holy strings of tulsi beads 
Their shadows charged with 
The vibrancy of youth 
Their bodies ever agile 
With the fluttering of newness
Those luminous foreheads 
That make a full moon night jealous
Those curves of bosom
That can madden the moon 
Those pink flushed lips 
Smeared with fragrance of roses  
Those beauteous daughters of spring 
Adorned with hermit’s glory 
Those swan-like beauties clad 
in white  
Wearing wooden shoes of ascetics
Reliquaries tied to their waists 
Their kohl black hair untied.
Fair complexioned, smiling faces
Foreheads smeared with blessed ash 
The modesty of these enchantresses
humbles the wood devoted to Shiva.
These female ascetics 
have turned away 
From the worldly attractions 
Starting a  journey from human union 
In search of  Divine union, a non-place.
These tender women like new stars 
Carry begging bowls in their hands 
These seductive sculptures of 'Khajuraho' 
sing solemn hymns of initiation. 
In the evening, 
holding brass lamps alit,
Aiming to capture attention 
of restless lasses
Someone blows Shiva conches 
Some other plays a single string instrument.
The women pass 
through a wood of attractions 
dense in Spring’s waxing moon night  with seedy layers
They swiftly rebuke such attempts 
to seduce them and walk away.
Sudhakar Gaidhani (India)
M.A., M.F.A.from Nagpur University - Maharashtra - India.
His mother tongue is Marathi. He knows three languages, Marathi, Hindi and English. 
His poems have been translated into 35 languages of the world. Two epic poems, six poetry collections, three staged plays and 125 short Radio plays are at his credit. 
He has received many State, National and International awards including "William Blake International Award" from Contact International Journal from Romania and “Silver Cross for Culture” World Medal from World Union of Poets- Italy.
Contact International journal has dedicated its Oct-Dec.2021 issue to Gaidhani’s poetry with the honour as -
"The Celestial Year 2021 Contact International is named after our Laureate, The Great Indian Epic Poet- Sudhakar Gaidhani"
Municipality Khapa City has opened a beautiful garden in two acres at Gaidhani’s birthplace in his name and honour – “Mahakavi (Epic Poet) Sudhakar Gaidhani” in 2006.
World Academy of Arts and Culture - USA has conferred upon him “Doctor of Literature (Litt.D.) at World Congress of Poets held in 2017 in Mongolia.
He has toured many countries for literary purpose and participated in international events.
Globally known Hon. great poet, translator, philosopher and critic Acad. Prof. Dr. Liviu Pendefunda translated Gaidhani's epic poem "DEVDOOT: THE ANGEL" containing 10,000 lines with 5 cantos from English to Romanian and on 10th November 2023, in a World Premier event in Miroslava city,  it was published through Contact International Publishing House, Romania in the presence of distinguished writers, poets and critics from 4 continents of the world. Dr. Pendefunda as the Chief Moderator of the entire event said about this epic poem and it's poet that "It is about a volume by Sudhakar Gaidhani, a great symbolist poet and also a candidate for the Nobel Prize for Literature".

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