Civilized World by Sushant Thapa

An innocent smile

blooms like the Rhododendron.


Richness is an attire

of contentment.


I traveled with the sunshine

to rest when the moon winked

with the gestures of sleep.


I am a child,

my toys are left

in the pit where sideliners fall.


I want to be the face of the world,

my eyes full of dream, seek laps of lullabies.


A shoulder of comfort,

is my suitable home.


My glass palace of imagination

is real for my idea of the civilization.


I plead for diplomacy

among the grown advocates of the society.


I swing in comfort,

I want to trust the leaders of vision.


My books are left behind,

the pages of my notebook are left blank.


Pour me the water from your pitcher.

I plead for the cost of my spilled blood.

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